Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Achmed the Dead Puppet

I just wanted to share this video of Achmed The Puppet. Im kinda lazy to type the information. Just watch the video and enjoy.

Monday, May 30, 2011

The gameplay trailer of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Sunday, May 29, 2011

5k Run

Earlier we ran a 5 kilometer run and it was tiring. Me, my older brother and my younger brother ran a 5 kilometer run except for my father who ran 15 kilometers. It was a tiring run but i mostly walked all the way to the finish line because i can feel my colon aching which may result in appendicitis. My youngest brother should be the first to finish the line because he always finish first on every marathon but later he revealed on why is he last and i'm sorry i cannot tell because it should be a secret.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Birthday Celebration

Today we had swimming at the clubhouse because tomorrow is my friend's birthday but we celebrated it today because tomorrow some of my classmates may not come which has the same result as today because of the never-ending rain, some of us came and there were 10 of us (including me) which should be 18 if it wasn't for the rain but we enjoyed the party. There were ice cream a bucket of chicken and a lot more (including spaghetti, softdrinks etc.) and of course we had cake but no one brought a knife so we just used the fork to slice it and it was fun because there were "frosting face-mash". We had 6 hours in the pool (not including food breaks).

Friday, May 27, 2011

Prototype 2 trailer

I cant wait to play this sequel of prototype. Too bad it will be released on 2012

Thursday, May 26, 2011

DotA addiction

Recently iv'e been addicted in playing DotA for some time and i'm addicted to that game. I don't know why but i think its the gameplay. My latest favorite hero is Barathrum the Spiritbreaker not Huskar anymore because Barathrum has some kind of stun, 2 stun's actually and a stun chance too, and Huskar, well a little stun could kill him and he's a mid gamer unlike Barathrum who is a late and mid gamer.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

had pizza for dinner

That night that i posted on my previous post, i said that i do not know what is yet to come and now i knew. As said in the title, we all had pizza for dinner. It was a large pizza which has a length of 1 yard long and divided into 4 flavors.
This is the pizza that we had for dinner. You can see that the part at the bottom was eaten. It was eaten by me because i cant resist the urge to taste and eat it and it turned out to be super delicious. The top left is a vegetarian side, the top right is anchovies (mmmm delicious!), the bottom left is pepperoni and mushrooms (with a little meat) and the bottom right is flavored cheeses, white pizza that's what they call it.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

my parents' 30th anniversary

That's right its my parents 30th anniversary today and i did not even know. I wish i could have surprised my parents but it was them who surprised me when i woke up. We had Jolibee for breakfast and i do not know of what is yet to come to this day, it may be another surprise. I can see in their faces that they're happy even if they're hardworking parents.

Monday, May 23, 2011

received a certificate

Today while i was playing Oblivion a mailman knocked and gave me a certificate. A certificate of what? I'm not just the one who was given a certificate but also my father and my younger brother. That certificate that i mentioned is a certificate from the run last March 6, 2011 entitled Run 1 United 2011
I finished the 5 kilometer run in 39 minutes and 46 seconds and if you look closely at the picture on the very right is Maria Venus Raj and her bodyguard on the left and i was behind her carrying a water bottle when this photo was taken.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

just had swimming

earlier i had a swimming with my friends on the nearest swimming site, mostly famous for the name "clubhouse". It was a 5 hour swimming, of course who would not have fun without food and drinks. We had a pizza, a softdrink and some junk foods. We enjoyed the swimming because it had a lot of games

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Shivering Isles Finished

Yesterday I finished Shivering Isles. It was a hard quest because you have to venture far for each quest. The Jyggalag that Sheogorath is always mentioning at the greymarch is also him. One of the quest is rebuilding Sheogorath's staff which is a hard one for you have to travel under deep caves and tunnels which is a home to many Gnarls. The final quest is, you have to kill (not really kill but defeat) Jyggalag in order for you to be proclaimed the "Mad God".

Friday, May 20, 2011

Proclaimed Dutch of Mania

My present character on oblivion is a dutch of mania that was proclaimed earlier. It was a hard quest to complete because you have to sneak all the way to the underground which is heavily guarded by golden saints which is a guard of Shivering Isles and enemy on Morrowind. It took me almost an hour to complete that quest because i have to load-save the game whenever i'm detected by the guards. The cave is dark so it should be easy to those with high sneak skill to obtain the item needed.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Fast Way to Earn Gold

This post is not related to oblivion but from facebook. Facebook you ask... well yes its from facebook, Dragon Age Legends actually. You will earn a lot of money by playing the remix of Dragon Age Legends and selling unimportant stuff and things. The site is linked here but you needed to play Dragon Age Legends on facebook to receive the rewards. The remix is much MUCH better than the one on facebook because the game is just point-and-click. You can play it again and again and earn a lot of items and of course gold.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Two Divisions of Shivering Isles

Earlier I learned that Shivering Isles is divided into 2, the Dementia and Mania. You cant access these places until you kill the gatekeeper which seems to be almost impossible but with a quest activated you can kill it. Dementia represents the darker side of the Shivering Isles....I'm kinda lazy right now so heres the official link for the Dementia and Mania

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Oblivion Finished, Shivering Isles Next

That's right iv'e finished oblivion earlier and my next one to finish is the official mod called Shivering Isles in which i will go to the realm of the daedric prince of madness known as Sheogorath. I think that it would be hard to finish that plug-in because that mod has a lot of quests and main quests to finish.

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Daedric Artifact to Offer

This is another oblivion related post. As said in the title a daedric artifact to offer, what i meant in the title is i'm going to give the 1 daedric artifact to Martin for him to make a portal to Mehrunes Dagon's realm which the daedric prince calls it "Paradise". The artifact that i'm going to offer is Volendrung. This artifact is what i'm going to offer because the item don't have much value to me except for their existence. Volendrung is a blunt weapon but my profession is blade.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Just Saved The Best Replay

The best replay that i'm talking about is in Warcraft III TFT DotA. The game was originally a 5v5 game but in the near end the game became 2v3 the 2 is my brother and I and the other 3 is my enemies. I was using Huskar my favorite hero and my brother was using Abaddon which he is trying to master. I cant place it to youtube for i do not have a youtube account but someday i will create one to show it to you. Why not today? because i'm still busy on some things that i cant tell but incase you wanted to view i uploaded it to 2shared.com. Heres the link http://www.2shared.com/file/pfoKKc2O/huskar_abaddon.html      -     The version of my Warcraft is and my DotA version is 6.72b for it to work

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Knights of The Nine Completed

Why is that the title is Knights of the Nine Completed? you would probably ask, the title is related to oblivion and iv'e just finished the official plug-in "Knights of The Nine" which I started since yesterday and it is a quest to restore the crusaders artifacts and destroy Umaril which is a hard quest because there will be a lot of adventuring to do it took me 2 days (including sleep, eat, potty breaks etc.) to complete that quest maybe at almost14 hours or so.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Help Friv Flourish

I learned the site called friv from my classmate while we were playing DotA and it was a site for hundreds of games to choose from. I wanted to help their site to expand and grow so that they can get more games.
The picture that i posted on the left was seen at every game on friv, its a request from friv that you should help them to expand. "Spread the word" will be the first thing that you would notice. I like the games at friv and id like to spread their games to everyone especially to little kids because most children liked the color purple which comprises the entire screen of that color.
Overall the entire site has 250 games as said in their site but if you counted it which i did, the site contains more than 250. On my multiplication the site has 264 games.
Please you too should help spread the word that friv is requesting even if you dont like the games there.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

It's My Grandfather's 40th Day

he readers would probably ask what do you mean by 40th day? The 40th day that i mentioned in the title is my grandfather's 40th day in the cemetery. My parents went to Pangasinan to pray for our recently passed grandfather. I dont know what kind of tradition is that, i think it is an old tradition that my parents knew. Its a long journey from Pasig to Pangasinan and it will take them a 4 hour trip going there and another 4 hour trip if they're going home

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thought of You - by Ryan Woodward

This video was made by an animator Ryan Woodward which shows 2 people dancing. I found this video when i saw a google doodle entitled Martha Graham's 117th birthday, a famous American dancer and a choreographer of modern dance. The google doodle animation was made by Ryan Woodward then i searched his name through google and found a video made by him and so here's the video.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pata Pata Pata Pon!

Pata Pata Pata Pon! is the title of this post because my younger brother the youngest of the family is playing his favorite game on PSP Patapon 3. I used to play Patapon 2 and i found out that it was awesome but while i was playing the Patapon 2 game it was tiring and i was easily tired of that game so i forfeited playing it again. My brother never stops playing that game and i dont know why he doesn't even get tired of it even once its because maybe he likes rhythm games which i dont really like. the thing that i always hear in the PSP is tha patapon chant Pata Pata Pata Pon! which means in the game is "move forward" but sometimes i also hear the chant Pon Pon Pata Pon! which means "attack". Those chants kinda distracts or annoys me while im playing oblivion so he always uses his earphones to conceal the distracting sound. That chant was distracting because while i'm on a dialogue that chant blocks what i'm reading or listening.

My Fraps Crashed

Whenever i play TES IV Oblivion with my fraps activated at the start of gameplay it always crashes so i cant share my adventures during my gameplay. I dont know why's the problem. I tried lowering the graphics but it crashed again then i restarted the game played it and again it crashed. I searched the game for virus but there were no results then at a later moment i tried deactivating fraps and it worked, the game did not crash, so the only thing that makes the game crash is the fraps. Too bad i have to use screenshots but i cant use the Alt-Tab option so if i have to use screenshot i have to exit the game to save that screenshot which i will not do because that would consume a lot of time.

Monday, May 9, 2011

I'm Out of DotA for Now

I'm not playing DotA for now but i'm with Oblivion because Oblivion is my newly installed game for my PC and i'm enjoying playing with it. This time i'm going to be addicted to Oblivion not DotA anymore because playing DotA kinda gave me some family problems and i do not want that to happen again so ill stick to Oblivion.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Huskar Harassment

Huskar is currently my favorite hero in the famous Warcraft III TFT game, DotA. I use him for harassing my enemies, I also use him as a greedy type hero. Whenever I see an enemy the first thing that I do is activate his "Burning Spear" skill which will engulf enemies on a stackable flame which i always use to harass them.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Noob Supremacy

Id like to share this video made by PizzaSlice111 who were edited by lotsun. Its a video from DOTA showing the gameplay of noobs.

The video is entitled The Noob Supremacy Vol.2. Why not Vol.1? because this video is much better than the 1st
Here's the Vol.1 link in case you wanted to view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pqs2ydE4YIE